This CDROM contains a collection of key documents in PDF version complementing
ISDR-Biblio 3: Health, disasters and risk.
The documentation is classified into 10 sections:
Section 1. Health and disaster risk
Section 2. Disaster and emergency management
Section 3. Health facilities and services
Section 4. Environment: impacts on health
Section 5. Climate change effects on health
Section 6. Mental health
Section 7. Mitigation and preparedness
Section 8. Public health
Section 9. Water and sanitation
Section 10. Gender
This compilation illustrates the theme of the 2008-2009 World Disaster Reduction Campaign : Hospitals Safe from Disasters: Reduce Risk, Protect Health Facilities, Save Lives.
The CDROM contains also a document listing references, case studies, legislation, multimedia related to health facilities and services in Latin America and the Caribbean region. These documents are mainly in Spanish.
The ISDR Library gratefully acknowledges the contribution made by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the regional office of the World Health Organization for Latin America and the Caribbean region. The Regional Disaster Information Center Latin America and the Caribbean (CRID) in Costa Rica also collaborated in the elaboration of this compilation.