• SidneiFurtado of Brazil
• Susana Fuentez of Chile
• Henry Peralta of Colombia
• Lorena Romero Vargas of Costa Rica
• Nadeisdha Cisneros of Nicaragua
• AbelinaCaro of Venezuela
A promoter is a person who has excelled in national or local risk reduction activities, particularly in spreading the message of the Making Cities Resilient Campaign. The Role of Promoter is honorary and is assigned for a period of two (2) years, which begins upon approval of the nomination by the UNISDR headquarters in Geneva. It is important to emphasize that promoters assume the role voluntarily, choosing to accept the invitation to participate in the initiative.
The work of promoters articulates the strategic objectives of UNISDR, particularly those of the Campaign.
According to UNISDR, the priority work areas of the promoters are to:
• Increase the number of local governments registered to the campaign
• Increase the visibility of the actions of the registered local governments
• Promote the implementation of the self-assessment process using the Hyogo Framework for Action (self-assessment tool of the state of disaster risk reduction for local governments)
• Increase exchanges of experiences between local governments
On August 23, 2013, in an official release from UNISDR in Panama, Civil Engineer and Educator Henry Adolfo Peralta Buritica (who was honored by the UNISDR in April 2013) was officially introduced as Promoter for Colombia to the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management, UNGRD, the National System for Disaster Risk Management, Dr. Carlos Ivan Marquez and Mr. FabrizioHochschild, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations System, in order to publicize his new appointment and coordinate joint activities for development of the objectives of the Global Campaign with local governments in the country.
Related links:
For more information on the role of promoter, contact Ms. Sandra Amlang at samlang@eird.org or through the web page.
Promoters of the Global Campaign "Making Cities Resilient: My City is Getting Ready!"
View this and other articles on the blog of Henry Peralta