In this context, the UNWCDRR offers various opportunities for participation, including a forum and a number of public events. The events will contribute to raise awareness on disaster risk reduction and promote a deeper understanding of the issue, while enhancing the outcomes of the Conference. The activities are an opportunity to:
· Showcasing lessons and good practices
· Promoting commitments to the post-2015 framework
· Highlighting successful innovation and lessons on DRR, recovery and reconstruction
The Forum and Public Events are open to both accredited and non accredited participants. They are a key component of the UNWCDRR and include:
· Symposiums, seminars and workshops
· An exhibition (which is called “the Market Place”)
· A poster exhibition to present specific experiences or successes in the implementation of the HFA and DRR
However, the applications to present experiences or request a booth in the Forum and Public Events must be submitted by accredited organizations no latter than September 16, in writing to Details on the organization of the forum are available through this link.
It should be noted that all costs related with the participation in the Forum and Public Events must be covered by the interested parties.
The general programme of the UNWCDRR is organized around three main components: An Inter-Governmental Segment, a Multi-Stakeholder Segment, Public Forum and events. To learn more about these components see this link.
Please note the submission deadlines for proposals. We invite you to take immediate action to ensure meaningful participation by each of the States and Territories of the Americas and contribute to the positioning of the region by sharing at the global level achievements and multiple national and local experiences on disaster risk reduction.
Key links:
Third United Nations Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (UNWCDRR)
UNWCDRR General Programme
Provisional substantive programme, ministerial discussions and working sessions
DRR TV Film Competition
Sasakawa Award for DRR
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)
With best regards and looking forward to see you in Sendai.

Ricardo Mena
Head of the Regional Office