The Call

The call is carried out in order to select experiences and good practices that illustrate, through a video testimonial, ECHO-funded interventions with visible results, their impact for beneficiaries and/or successful application of the tools and/or products produced in the framework of the project implemented with funding from the European Union.

These experiences are implemented in locations and countries in South America and the Caribbean and are intended to reduce the risk of the population to natural hazards.

The selected experiences will be part of testimonials to be coordinated, systematized and widely disseminated through UNISDR. Therefore, the presentation of the experience should focus on beneficiaries, clearly demonstrating the visible results of the intervention.

Each experience must be submitted, indicating its relationship with one or more of the following thematic areas :

Thematic(s) area(s):

  • Advocacy and institutional strengthening

  • Early Warning Systems

  • Governance and resilient cities

  • Information, education and communication

  • Improved emergency response at the community level

  • International Day for Disaster Reduction 2014: Disaster risk management and the ageing population

  • Livelihoods

  • Local capacity-building

  • Safe Schools and Hospitals

  • Systematization and communication

  • Other

Systematization of experiences and development of testimonials

All experiences presented will be systematized via web and become part of the institutional memory of the 2013-2014Action Plan. Selected experiences, three (3) in the case of South America and at least two (2) from the Caribbean, will form part of a series of testimonialscoordinated by the UNISDR, which will be recorded in the locality of the project, translated with subtitles in English and Spanish as required,andsubsequently disseminated through the media and presented as good practices in digital form in the DIPECHO regional workshops, both in South America and the Caribbean.

Coordination of visits anddevelopment process of the testimonials
Field visits for recording testimonials of selected experiences will be coordinated by the UNISDR - Americas Communication and InformationOffice.

Download the call (PDF)