Subregion: |
América del Sur |
Title or name of the experience: |
Test |
Geographical area of intervention (area where the experience is developed): |
Test |
Name of DIPECHO project(s): |
Test |
Name of DIPECHO project(s): |
Test |
Position: |
Test |
Institution or community: |
Test |
Phone: |
Test |
Thematic area(s) |
Medios de vida |
Summary of the experience: Briefly describe the problem, hazard and/or need to which the intervention responds and the key elements of the action to overcome them (articulated to the theme and reflecting the selection criteria)
Test |
Focus of testimonial, if selected
(E.g., community, municipality, institution or grassroots organization, etc.).
| Test |
Download presentation: |
Harmonisation of Global and Regional DRR Frameworks in the Caribbean-UNISDR.pdf (1.63 MiB) |