Title: Enhancing multi-hazard school safety through science-based information, capacity building, and ICTs. UNESCO-VISUS Methodology.
Day and time: (27) Martes - Tuesday - Mardi - 7 - 17:40 - 18:00
Presenter: Jair Torres
Organization: UNESCO
Eje Temático:
Thematic Area:
Niños/as y jóvenes: Nueva generación de oportunidades

Children and youth: New generation of opportunity
Description: Natural hazards often damage or destroy school infrastructure, threatening educational opportunities and risking the lives of schoolchildren. In collaboration with the University of UDINE, a team from the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) set out to create a multi-hazard school safety assessment methodology called VISUS (Visual Inspection for defining the Safety Upgrading Strategies). The method aims to help policy makers in deciding where to focus their risk reduction efforts and interventions based on available resources and scientific-evidence information.
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