Title: Analyze, understand and measure the risk of humanitarian crises and disasters in the LAC region – through partnership of using the Index for Risk Management (INFORM)
Day and time: (27) Martes - Tuesday - Mardi - 7 - 18:00 - 18:20
Presenter: Hanoch Barlevi and Jacinda Fairholm
Organization: UNICEF UNDP OCHA
Eje Temático:
Thematic Area:
La importancia de la participación a nivel comunitario

The importance of community-level involvement
Description: The Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region is one of the world's most disaster-prone regions, with varying levels of national and local response capacity. The lack of systematic information to analyse, comprehend and present the magnitude of the risks is a key challenge in reducing disaster risks, increasing resilience and securing sustainable development.

Disasters put hard won development gains at risk, reversing economic growth and progress towards the elimination of poverty. Understanding crisis and disaster risk – the probability of one occurring and its likely impact – is a fundamental step in managing risk and saving lives. Regional humanitarian organizations – through the REDLAC – the regional humanitarian coordination platform – have been working to ensure response mechanisms developed by the international community are embedded in the efforts of governments. However, the lack of systematic information to analyze, comprehend and present the magnitude of the risks and humanitarian needs remains a key challenge. Governments and humanitarian actors are increasingly seeking to build resilience in the LAC region, especially through improved analysis of risk and vulnerability.

Understanding crisis and disaster risk – the probability of one occurring and its likely impact - is a fundamental step in managing risk and saving lives. The Index for Risk Management (INFORM) is an approach to analyze, understand and measure the risk of humanitarian crises and disasters, and how the conditions that lead to them affect sustainable development. It is a composite index that aims to identify: 'Countries or areas of countries at risk from humanitarian emergencies that could overwhelm national response capacity and lead to a need for international assistance.'
The index can be used by governments, humanitarian, development and disaster risk and reduction (DRR) sectors to support objective, risk-based decisions to help prevent, prepare for and respond to crises and disasters, and build resilience.
A first pilot of a national adaptation of the global INFORM model in the LAC region was initiated by OCHA and UNICEF in collaboration with the Colombian Government in 2015 with the development of the INFORM Colombia model.
Since then, a regional INFORM model was developed in parallel to additional countries in the region, starting with Guatemala and Honduras, including the Caribbean.
This regional adaptation process is a collaborative exercise and involves a wide range of actors.
The event will focus on risk analysis in the context of Sendai implementation. It will specifically address Priority 1, including regional and national/local risk analysis, cooperation between partners, and capacity for risk analysis. It will also address Priorities linked to strengthening evidence for building resilience within the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication.
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