Title: Local Governments: Key players in managing disaster risk
Day and time: (27) Martes - Tuesday - Mardi - 7 - 16:40 - 17:00
Presenter: Michael Wodzicki/Elena Pierce, FCM
Organization: The Federation of Canadian Municipalities
Eje Temático:
Thematic Area:
Las mujeres como líderes

Women as leaders
Description: The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) is the national voice of Canada’s municipal governments, representing 90 per cent of Canada's municipal population. For more than 30 years, FCM has worked with and for local governments in more than 50 countries, building their capacity to meet their citizens needs. Since 2004, FCM has been actively engaged supporting local governments to address disasters and manage disaster risk, notably following the tsunami in Indonesia and Sri Lanka, and the earthquake in Haiti in 2010. This ignite session will present FCM’s experience, from a Canadian as well as international perspective, in understanding the key role of local government in the governance of disaster risk.

The attached presentation is in French and will be adjusted as appropriate for the Ignite session.
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