Title: | Demonstrating the Usefulness of Virtual Reality as a Tool for Risk-informing Disaster Preparedness, Monitoring and Response | |
Day and time: | (27) Martes - Tuesday - Mardi - 7 - 18:20 - 18:40 | |
Presenter: | Branden Spooner | |
Organization: | Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology | |
Eje Temático: Thematic Area: |
Integrando la adaptación al cambio climático, el desarrollo y la reducción del riesgo de desastres Integrating climate change adaptation, development and disaster risk reduction |
Description: | Preparedness and response are critical considerations in the implementation of an effective disaster risk reduction strategy. The acquisition of data prior to, during and after disasters is necessary for assessing vulnerability, exposure and risk prior to and during events and important for post impact assessments if more resilient systems, processes and structures are to be established. Fast data visualization techniques that provide a near infield user experience can influence the speed and accuracy of decision-making in disasters. Recent advances in virtual reality (VR) technology have resulted in VR hardware and software becoming inexpensive and mainstream, thus offering an avenue for natural disasters to be experienced in new and novel ways that enhance decision-making. VR technology would definitely be an asset in the examination of a plethora of potentially catastrophic situations and can lend its assistance in the planning, rescue, response, analysis and training aspects of disaster management. Thus this presentation will show how VR can aid experts from varying fields in training and analysis of disaster events, hence improving workflow and overall efficiency. |
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