Título: CRMI South-South Cooperation Initiative for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Caribbean
Día y Hora: Martes - Tuesday 27 - 13:00 - 13:20
Presentador: Jacinda Fairholm
Organización: UNDP
Eje Temático:

Thematic Area:
Integrando la adaptación al cambio climático, el desarrollo y la reducción del riesgo de desastres

Integrating climate change adaptation, development and disaster risk reduction
Descripción: This presentation will focus on concrete lessons learned from the Caribbean Risk Management Initiative’s South-South Cooperation (SSC) pilot initiative, through which the Cuban disaster risk reduction model, the Risk Reduction Management Centres, was transferred in five countries (Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, the British Virgin Islands and Guyana) in the Caribbean. The RRMCs constitute an instrument of local governments designed to increase capacity to reduce risk; specifically, the RRMC facilitates the management of hazard, risk, and vulnerability information in a given territory, through studies and analysis in coordination with key territorial actors. The RRMC is also linked to vulnerable communities through an early warning point system, for improved communication and coordination of prevention and recovery actions. Since 2009, CRMI has been working actively with Cuba and the five participating countries, coordinating study tours, exchanges, technical missions, training and tool development to support the adaptation of the Cuban model to distinct Caribbean contexts. Using the experiences of the pilot countries, the presentation will share lessons learned in strengthening local disaster risk reduction mechanisms and how to improved SSC strategies of capacity development and knowledge transference.

More details on the pilot projects can be found here: http://www.crmi-undp.org/en/index.php/cgrrs.
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