Título: Integrating scientific research, public policies and urban management to raise the Resilience of cities.
Día y Hora: Jueves - Thursday 29 - 11:20 - 11:40
Presentador: Luiz Priori Jr
Organización: Laboratório de Estudos Periurbanos da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Eje Temático:

Thematic Area:
Integrando la adaptación al cambio climático, el desarrollo y la reducción del riesgo de desastres

Integrating climate change adaptation, development and disaster risk reduction
Descripción: The presentation brings the results of a scientific research that designed an urban management tool to allow city managers and communities to evaluate their levels of resilience in face of weather driven disasters.

It is a system of indicators that produces:

(i) an agenda of initiatives that must be taken to raise the level of resilience of Latin American Cities, supporting urban management;

(ii)the Urban Resilience Index (UReI), which allows comparisons between different cities, thus promoting easy community participation and social control as well as supporting national and regional management processes, particularly in terms of resources allocation.
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