Título: Communities Organized and Ready for Emergencies (C.O.R.E)
Día y Hora: Miercoles - Wednesday 28 - 18:00 - 18:20
Presentador: Dr. Stephen Ramroop
Organización: The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management
Eje Temático:

Thematic Area:
La importancia de participación a nivel comunitario

The importance of community-level involvement
Descripción: The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management recognizes the “Importance of Community Level Involvement” in the role of Disaster Management and focuses attention on our CORE television series is aimed at helping to inform, educate and mobilize the country into properly reading itself, one person, one family and one community at a time for any disaster. This is keeping with the goals of the ODPM for Trinidad and Tobago. It also aligns with our mandate to use innovative ways to bring disaster risk reduction to the population. Each episode of the programme will focus on topics, determined by the ODPM and is meant to be an engaging and entertaining tool for communities and groups to demonstrate techniques and strategies to implement before, during and after a hazard impact be it natural or manmade. The presentation also underlines the development of CORE in all other outreach activity and public education projects such as our Safer Schools and National Volunteer Programmes aimed at enriching community preparedness at all levels.
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