Titre : An integrated management approach: Reducing risks, strengthening livelihoods and managing the environment
Date et heure : (28) Miercoles - Wednesday - Mercredi - 8 - 14:00 - 14:20
Présentateur : Thandie Mwape / Humanitarian Diplomacy Coordinator
Organisation : Partners for Resilience
Axe thématique : Renforcer la gouvernance des risques de catastrophe pour gérer ces derniers
Télécharger la présentation :PfR Guatamala_ Jan 2017.pptx (271.71 KiB)
Description : Partners for Resilience applies an integrated risk management (IRM)approach to build community resilience in Guatamala.
The approach reaches several objectives at the same time. Communities conserve their natural environment, thus reduce the risk on disasters such as landslides and by investing in alternative livelihood options, people diversify and decrease their dependency on solely one crop. Finally, at the moment that an emergency occurs, the communities are sufficiently equipped and self-reliant during the first hours after the emergency.

The session would showcase a short video on Guatamala experience; and highlight key messages on the IRM approach.

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