Titre : Retrofit for Rapid Recovery: Amphibious Architecture, Economic Analysis, and Flood Prone Indigenous Communities
Date et heure : (27) Martes - Tuesday - Mardi - 7 - 16:20 - 16:40
Présentateur : E. C. English* and S. de Jong **
Organisation : The Buoyant Foundation Project, Louisiana, USA and Canadian Risk and Hazards Network
Axe thématique : Investir dans la réduction des risques de catastrophe pour accroître la résilience
Télécharger la présentation :IGNITE STAGE RPA 2017 ece vzdj - 27 Jan 2017 .docx (240.68 KiB)
Description : The Buoyant Foundation Project seeks to build homes that will float during a flood hazard event, thus build rapid recovery capacity within low income, flood prone, Indigenous communities. Significant contributions to disaster risk reduction discussions include: low cost flood mitigation strategies, amphibious buildings accommodating variable depths of floodwater, initatives to refine buoyant amphibious foundation retrofits (with a buoyancy and vertical guidance systems), and building capacity and capability in flood prone communities to adapt to climate change.

Three key points will be made during this presentation which will conclude with an invitation for all to attend the second International Conference on Amphibious Architecture, Design and Engineering.

The first point is to introduce the concept of Amphibious architecture, a flood mitigation strategy that works in synchrony with a flood prone region’s natural cycles of flooding.

Second, we highlight the economic loss avoidance and wind vulnerability studies conducted to support the economic argument for the proposed amphibious projects.

Third and related, we report on progress on a major contract from a Canadian federal agency to develop, construct and test an amphibious retrofit prototype for application to Indigenous People vulnerable to flooding.

To conclude, we invite everyone to ICAADE 2017 (the second International Conference on Amphibious Architecture, Design and Engineering, the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Canada. June 25 to 28, 2017.
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