Title: Disaster preparedness make the difference! evidences captured in Central America
Day and time: (21) Jueves - Thursday - 21 - 11:20 - 11:40
Presenter: Monttserrat Julve
Organization: DG European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations – (ECHO)
Eje Temático:
Thematic Area:
Enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response...
Description: • Investing in Disaster Preparedness (DP) provide opportunities to build communities resilience; however should be linked with early action!
• ECHO is clearly committed to support DP, start in 1994 and contributions have been tailored to the context;
• When funds are limited all is about priorities; Some recommendation from the sub region to optimize DP donor support in CA will be reported (extracted from the june 18-19 ECHO DP workshop)
• After more than 23 years investing in DP in LAC, today we need to better capture evidences and to better communicate on how DP makes the difference. some example from the ECHO DP workshop will be presented by local or municipal or national actor.

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