Title: Exploring the role of trade in disaster risk reduction
Day and time: (21) Jueves - Thursday - 21 - 11:00 - 11:20
Presenter: Michael Roberts, Head, Aid for Trade Unit, Development Division
Organization: World Trade Organization
Eje Temático:
Thematic Area:
Understanding disaster risk
Download presentation:Ignite stage presentation.pptx (1.5 MiB)
Description: The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030) includes many references to business, but does not cite any direct role for trade. With businesses ever more global in operation and reach, trade is an important consideration to any contribution that the private sector will bring in disaster risk reduction.

That natural disasters have trade effects is evident from recent experience. The physical damage caused to firms by the 2007 floods in Thailand cascaded through global supply chains. Similar effects were observed after the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in 2011.

Another example here is the Eastern Caribbean. With tourism accounting for close to 40% of GDP, reduced trade (in the form of tourist arrivals) in this sector may further depress activity in the local economy beyond the immediate damage wrought by last year's hurricane season.

The trade effects resulting from natural disasters are becoming more visible. What has been less considered is the role that trade can play in disaster resilience. Some trade measures taken by governments may contribute to disaster resilience. Other measures may be less benign and can hinder resilience. A new research project being undertaken by the World Trade Organization seeks to launch a discussion on this topic.

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