Título: Reducing Seismic Risk by Seismic Retrofitting in Latin America and the Caribbean
Día y Hora: Jueves - Thursday - 21 - 17:20 - 17:40
Presentador: Juan Caballero
Organización: Build Change
Eje Temático: Invertir en la reducción del riesgo de desastres para la resiliencia
Descargar Presentación:21. Jueves 17_20 - 17_40 Build Change.pptx (12.38 MiB)
Descripción: Build Change saves lives in disasters. Our mission is to greatly reduce deaths, injuries, and economic losses caused by housing and school collapses due to earthquakes and typhoons in emerging nations. Our theory of change involves overcoming three barriers to adoption: money, technology, people.
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