Public Safety Canada

















The Group for the Disaster Risk Management in the Education Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean invites to the Ignite Stage:

Disaster Risk Reduction in the Education Sector Indicators Tool

Thursday March 9th - 10:00 a.m. - 10:20 a.m.

Fifth Regional Platform For Disaster Risk Reduction in the Americas

Palais des Congrés de Montreal


To present a methodology for analysis developed by UNICEF and RET International as part of the Group

for Disaster Risk Management in the Education Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean Work Plan

that provides quantitative and qualitative information on the state of performance and institutionality of the

educational sector in Disaster risk management in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean and the

lessons learned from its application of three countries in the region.

The event will have simultaneous translation in French, English and Spanish.

For more information contact: rcustode@unicef.org / s.urbano@theret.org

Please consult https://pr17/ignite-stage.html where you will find details of this and the other

presentations of the Ignite Stage.

Links related:

Facebook Fan Page Group for the Disaster Risk Management in the Education Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean

Web RP17









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