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Community engagement activities at a local school in Paraguay, Paraguayan Red Cross

By: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

The IFRC’s approach to community resilience strengthening ensures communities are placed at, and remain at the center of decisions and actions that impact their future and that programs respond to objectives defined by the community.

As such, in January 2017, the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement launched a pilot edition of the Guide to Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA), which we will present during out IGNITE Stage presentation on March 9th. The guide comes accompanied with a comprehensive toolkit and aims to encourage a more systematic approach to CEA.

In the Americas region, the IFRC Zika Operation has been actively promoting the CEA approach to dealing with vector-borne epidemics. In February, the Operation launched an animated video tool to spread key prevention messages, spark dialogue and receive community feedback. This tool will help us exemplify the types of practices we can bring to communities and translate CEA from theory to practice.

“Putting Communities at the Center of Our Work: a Guide to Community Engagement and Accountability” will be presented at:

  • Thursday, March 9, 2017 at 11:20-11:40

At the IGNITE Stage, a special side event space at the Palais des congrès de Montréal in Montreal, Canada, within the framework of the Fifth Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Americas (RP17).

For more information on this and other IGNITE Stage presentations please click here: https://pr17/ignite-stage.html

Related Links:

RP17 Website

IFRC CEA Website










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