Public Safety Canada

















High-Risk Population present the Fifth Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction

Panama, March 8. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) are hosting, in coordination with the Resilience Coalition for Children and Youth from Latin America and the Caribbean (CORELAC in Spanish), a moderated interactive workshop on High-Risk Population (HRP) as Agents of Change for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).

As part of the regular agenda, this workshop addresses the impact that disasters have on vulnerable people and encourages contributions from high-risk populations as stakeholders, following Sendai Framework priorities. The organizations involved in the session, have an open consultation for populations living in high risk, to give them a place and to receive proposals from children, adolescents and youth, women, disabled persons, senior citizens, indigenous, afro-descendants, population with HIV/AIDS and LGBTI people, among others.

Online Consultation: https://es.surveymonkey.com/r/yourvoicedrrcanada

With the inputs from this survey, and the learned lessons from the organizations involved on the session, they are going to produce a document with specific recommendations and potential actions towards each of the four Sendai priorities, and draft key advocacy messages for Governments.

The interactive set-up of the workshop, allow participants to discuss the way that DRR actions could be adapted to include contributions by high-risk populations and their differentiated needs, considering situation of disaster, emergencies and crisis produced by violence and forced displacement.

The IFRC is committed to place people at the center of our actions, which includes disaster risk reduction. As such, it is important to ensure that high-risk populations can actively participate in reducing their vulnerabilities in the face of disasters and increasing their individual and community resilience.

CORELAC is a strategic alliance to promote, visualize and position the voice of childhood and youth as stakeholders with influence on the implementation of action to face the climate change, social violence and in disaster risk reduction matters. The organizations that are part of this coalition are: Save the Children, PLAN International, World Vision, RET International, UNISDR and UNICEF.


Join Parallel Session 9.

High Risk Populations as Agents of Change for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Host: IFRC. Co-host: CORELAC.

Day: March 8 th – 14:00 to 15:50. Room: 710B


TW: @Federation








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