In the DIPECHO Action Plan 2011-2012 for the Caribbean the following actions have been considered:
- Local disaster management components, targeting local actors in disaster prone areas: early warning system, mapping and data computerization, local capacity building, training.
- Institutional linkages and advocacy, targeting institutions involved in disaster management/disaster risk reduction, in particular at regional, national and subnational levels: advocacy, facilitation of coordination, institutional strengthening.
- Information, Education and Communication, targeting direct and indirect beneficiaries: awareness raising among the general public, education and dissemination
- Small scale infrastructure and services, at community level: infrastructure support and mitigation works, reinforcing critical infrastructure, operation and maintenance systems; non structural mitigation activities, and support to specific adaptation initiatives.
- Stock building of emergency relief items, targeting the reinforcement of the response capacity of local actors and institutions in disaster-prone areas with the aim of contributing to ensuring an adequate response to natural disaster by strengthening the response capacity in the early hours and days of a disaster.
The three regional and 8 national projects are currently working in these areas. The list of projects and which partners are involved can be seen below:
- ECHO Regional Office for the Caribbean:
European Commission
Directorate - General for Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection (ECHO)
Office for the Caribbean Polibio Diaz street No.47,
Evaristo Morales Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Tel +809 472-1615, Fax +809 472-3767
E-mail: echo.santo-domingo@echofield.eu
Website: http://ec.europa.eu/echo