Project Sphere
Based on two core beliefs: first, that all possible steps should be taken to alleviate human suffering arising out of calamity and conflict, and second, that those affected by disaster have a right to life with dignity and therefore a right to assistance

An on-line game to teach children how to save lives and livelihoods

The secretariat of the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction launches an on-line game aimed at teaching children how to build safer villages and cities against disasters. This initiative comes within the 2006-2007 World Disaster Reduction Campaign “Disaster Risk Reduction Begins at School”.


The Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency
CDERA's main function is to make an immediate and coordinated response to any disastrous event affecting any Participating State, once the state requests such assistance


The Caribbean Disaster Mitigation Project

The Caribbean Disaster Mitigation Project (CDMP) is a coordinated effort to promote the adoption of natural hazard mitigation

and preparedness practices by both the public and private sectors in the Caribbean region. The CDMP is funded by the USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) and implemented by the Organization of American States/Unit of Sustainable Development and Environment (OAS/USDE) for the Caribbean Regional Program (USAID/CRP).


The Interagency Network for Education in Emergencies

The Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies, Chronic Crises and Early Reconstruction were developed with the participation of over 2,250 individuals from more than 50 countries and represent the first step toward ensuring that education initiatives in emergency situations lay a solid and sound foundation for post-conflict and disaster reconstruction. The INEE Minimum Standards was founded on the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Dakar 2000 Education for All goals and the Sphere Project's Humanitarian Charter.



Plan-International assists people during the difficult times, providing and coordinating materials, skills and knowledge to help them to rebuild their lives. We work in partnership. Local people, parents and children, teach us how we can best provide meaningful support to them, focusing not just on their immediate needs, but also their future progression.

'Keeping children safe': an NGO child protection toolkit

Humanitarian agencies like Plan need to ensure they are doing all they can to protect children.
This is why Plan has collaborated in the development of a toolkit which offers practical resources covering the following topics:

  • 'what is abuse?': overcoming common cultural and political misconceptions about abuse
  • policies and procedures: developing written policies and procedures relevant to the organisation
  • training: targetted workshop materials for typical roles, e.g. management, emergency relief, child sponsorship and programme staff


Children and Disasters

A compilation of a range of children’s materials from the American Red Cross, including curriculum supplements, colouring books, videos and disaster preparedness manuals.


US Federal Emergency Management Agency

The US Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) kids website that teaches how to be prepared for disasters and how disaster damage can be prevented. It also includes lessons on what causes disasters, fun games, stories and invites you to become a Disaster Action Kid.




Links to community-based investment in school safety

Application of techniques developed in Nepal to school reconstruction in Gujarat, India (UNCRD – Kobe & SEEDS and other partners (Patanka New Life Plan )

Design of earthquake and wind resistant primary school for Gujarat, India
) and also Shaw (2002)

Disaster resistant design guidelines for Afghanistan (UNCRD)

Community-based school maintenance and seismic protection in Indonesia through the Asian Urban Disaster Mitigation Program of the Asian Center for Disaster Preparedness and UNCRD ( )

School seismic and wind safety surveys and pilot projects on several Caribbean islands with the assistance of the Organization of American States and Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID) ( )

Organization of American States (OAS) resource page for school natural hazard vulnerability reduction

Manuals for building seismic resistant structures with traditional materials (in Spanish)

Manual for improved adobe construction, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
(World Adobe Forum under construction at this www-site)

UNESCO/ UNEP-APELL guidelines for safe schools