
Subregion: Caribe
Title or name of the experience: Strengthening the management of medical and health emergencies at local level in Haiti
Geographical area of intervention (area where the experience is developed): 5 communes of the 2 health districts of Cap Haitien and Borgne in the North Department in Haiti
Name of DIPECHO project(s): Improve the capacity of the Haitian health sector
Name of DIPECHO project(s): Juan Carlos Gustavo Alonso
Position: Disaster Program Coordinator
Institution or community: Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO)
Phone: +509 49830015
Thematic area(s) Mejor respuesta a emergencias a nivel comunitario
Summary of the experience:
Briefly describe the problem, hazard and/or need to which the intervention responds and the key elements of the action to overcome them (articulated to the theme and reflecting the selection criteria)

Haiti has faced various adverse events in the recent years, which have made the management of medical emergencies a priority. PAHO, with support from DIPECHO, has developed a project to identify effective and sustainable strategies to strengthen medical emergency response capacity at the municipal and departmental level. The project established synergies between the Civil Protection and the health sector to manage health crisis, targeting both emergency preparedness and medical response actions. It helped develop complementary operational plans that define the scope of responsibility of each entity involved in the medical response chain, to ensure an effective and coordinated response and a continuum of care for the victims of emergencies.
Focus of testimonial, if selected (E.g., community, municipality, institution or grassroots organization, etc.).

Community; Municipal: DPC committees members, health center directors and staff; Departmental: Departmental Health Directorate (DSN)
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