Part III - Creating the national and local conditions to manage risk
Part III discusses the enabling environment for Member States to develop and effectively implement national and local plans and strategies, including the technical support systems and resources available around the Sendai Framework and the other post-2015 agendas.
The Guided Tour and Part I of this GAR described how the Sendai Framework calls on governments to move towards risk-informed governance arrangements that include a broader hazard and risk scope, and incorporate the concept of systemic risk. This requires integration across different sectors and levels of government, working with scientists, civil society and the private sector to address current and emerging risks. Part II then provided the first global reporting of Member States’ progress against the Sendai Framework targets and indicators, and identified priority areas to increase the necessary data-collection capacity.
This part takes Target E as its starting point, that is, to substantially increase the number of countries with national and local DRR strategies by 2020, but it places it in the broader context of Member State efforts to achieve all the targets and ultimately the Sendai Framework outcome and goal through integrated risk management. Fulfilment of Target E is a stepping stone towards achieving the targets of reducing disaster losses, mortality, affected people, economic losses, damage to infrastructure and disruption to critical services. Hence, this part takes a qualitative approach to give a broad picture of current practices, challenges and lessons learned in creating the enabling environment for integrated risk governance at national and local levels. It considers the role of regional cooperation, as well as the many ways and means Member States are using to also integrate DRR into national and local plans for development, CCA, urban settings and fragile or complex contexts.