18th United Nations Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction
Selection Process 2005
us in rewarding individuals and institutions from around the world who
contributed, through innovative practices and outstanding initiatives,
to reducing the risk and vulnerabilities of communities to natural hazards!
date for nominations 29 July 2005
Provided through an endowment from the Nippon
Foundation to the United Nations
For more information please visit:
www.unisdr.org - www.eird.org
- www.unisdrafrica.org
United Nations Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction is worth approximately
US$ 50,000 to be shared among the Sasakawa Laureate and recipients of
Certificates of Distinction and of Merit. It is presented annually on
the occasion of the International Day for Disaster Reduction, every second
Wednesday of October. The Sasakawa Ceremony will be held this year on
Wednesday 12, October 2005.
for the Award
The candidate shall have distinguished herself/himself through outstanding
and internationally recognized action in the following fields:
a) The implementation, at international or regional level, of activities
designed to strengthen people's awareness of natural disasters;
b) The launching of scientific activities contributing to technological
innovation facilitating disaster prediction;
c) The launching of scientific or social activities contributing to the
strengthening of disaster prevention and preparedness;
d) The promotion of preventive activities which reduce the economic impact
of disasters and contribute to sustainable development;
e) Any other activities recognized as essential in promoting disaster
prevention and mitigation (land-use planning, seismic risk reduction,
awareness-raising, education etc..)
candidate shall not be subjected to any kind of discrimination on the
grounds of nationality, religion, race, sex or age.
candidate may nominate herself/himself. Past recipients cannot be renominated.
of Candidates for the Award
Proposals shall be made to the Administrator of the Award, who will submit
them to the Jury, together with his/her comments. The Administrator may
seek independent reports on the work carried out by candidates for the
Award, which shall be submitted, when appropriate, by the Administrator
for the consideration of the Jury.
nominated, candidates are requested to provide a Power Point presentation
in English (10-15 minutes) with details of their work and contribution
to reducing risk and vulnerability to natural and technological hazards.
of the Laureate(s) and recipients of Certificates
An international Jury, composed by experts from different continents,
will vote in a private meeting, on the basis of well-defined criteria,
to identify and select the Laureate of the UN Sasakawa Award for Disaster
Reduction. Since 1998, Certificates of Distinction and Certificates of
Merit have been created to reward valuable contributions to disaster reduction.
The Jury may however, decide not to designate any laureate, if it so wishes.
The current Jury is composed by representatives from each of the following
regions: Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and Oceania.
of candidates can be made by the…
1. Former Sasakawa Award Laureates;
2. Representatives of institutions specializing in disaster
3. UN specialized agencies;
4. Resident Coordinators of the UN System;
5. Permanent Missions to the United Nations Offices
in New York, Geneva and Vienna.
Once nominated, candidates should complete the nomination form for the
18th UN Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction 2005 (www.unisdr.org), and
forward it by 29 July 2005 together with the requested detailed information
in support of the nomination, to the ISDR Secretariat.
nomination forms should be sent to:
Inter-Agency Secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
(UN/ISDR) Administrator of the UN Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction
Palais des Nations, 8-14 Avenue de la Paix, CH-1211 Geneva 10 Tel: (+41).(0)22.
917.27.86 / Fax: (+41).(0)22. 917.05.63 / E-mail: rosec@un.org
Websites: www.unisdr.org - www.eird.org
- www.unisdrafrica.org