International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
Latin America and the Caribbean   

Newsletter ISDR Inform - Latin America and the Caribbean
Issue: 13/2006- 12/2006 - 11/2005 - 10/2005 - 9/2004 - 8/2003 - 7/2003 - 6/2002 - 5/2002 - 4/2001- 3/2001
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction

ISDR Informs - Latin America and the Caribbean
Issue 12, 2006


Is a different vision required after a challenging year?

Global ISDR

Global ISDR
The 2005 World Campaign: celebrating the International Day for Disaster Reduction

Riskland throughout the world
Disasters and hazards in the Region

Devastating effects of disasters during 2005: The need for adaptation beyond the current situation

ECLAC: The effects of hurricane Stan in El Salvador and Guatemala
Katrina: disaster and affirmation of the status quo

As vulnerable as always?

Integrated risk managment in private enteprises: a value added
Partners in Action

A planet for children

Bogotá is prepared for an earthquake
Workshop on the “Exchange of successful experiences of the Disaster Management Offices/Agencies of Countries of the Association of the Caribbean States”
Uruguay and civil society: toward a culture of prevention
Project: “support for disaster prevention in the andean community- PREDECAN”
Main activities carried out by the Central University of Venezuela
Risk management diagnosis: a tool applied in cuban communities
Bolivia: some lessons learned for the implementation of a risk management approach

CRID’s workshop: training for facilitators on capacity building for local disaster information management

Development-Disasters: A correlation that has yet to be addressed sufficiently
Seminar: "Involving communities in risk reduction programs"
A multimedia educational proposal:“ABCDesastres: a strategy for action”
Second andean subregional encounter: “the role of community education and social communication in disaster prevention and response ”

Users of Information Centers and the New Era of Knowledge Management

Training for EOCs through a multimedia software that simulates volcanic eruptions
PAHO/WHO training material
Information Resources on Health and Volcanoes
Guide for the manual entitled “Learning to conserve water and protect our micro-watersheds”
Training Manual (No. 12) for JASS: “Learning to conserve water and protect our micro-watersheds”
Winds, earthquakes, tsunamis and other natural catastrophes. Latin American cases and stories
Preparedness for boys and girls while listening to the sounds of flowing water
CD-ROM Course on disaster prevention: Sustainability of drinking water and sanitation services in case of natural disasters
New CD-ROM on Disaster Risk Management in Municipalities
CD-ROM Project: Community Networks for Disaster Prevention
Information Resources about Risk Analysis and Public Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean
New version in English Disaster Reduction: living in harmony with nature
Cuba Surpassing the storm: lessons of reduction of risk in Cuba
Guide of Management of Risks / Guide of sowing
Educational material for children and teenagers

ISDR Informs - a Magazine for Latin America and the Caribbean, is produced by the Regional Unit for
Latin America and the Caribbean, part of the UN Inter Agency Secretariat for the
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction in Geneva.

The information and opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily
reflect the policies of the ISDR Secretariat.

Editorial: Dave Zervaas
General Production: Margarita Villalobos
Graphic Design: Karina Barrantes
Cover Design: Karina Barrantes
Edition: María Laura Sessa
Cover Photo: NOAA

Photos: PAHO/WHO, J. Jenkins, D. Smith, INDECI, J. Murria, UNISDR,
E. Pacheco,

Translation: Roberto Prado
Printed by: MasterLitho

The publication of “ISDR Informs”
was made possible thanks to the
support of the Swedish International
Development Cooperation Agency
(SIDA), as part of the Swedish
contribution to the ISDR Secretariat
regional work in Latin America and
the Caribbean.

For additional information about the
topics covered, please
contact the ISDR Secretariat:

ISDR Scretariat, United Nations,
Palais des Nations CH 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Tel: 41+22/917-2786
Fax: 41+22/917-0563

Regional Unit for Latin America and
the Caribbean
PO Box: 0816-02862
Panama City, Panama

Tel: (507) 3170971 / 3170775
Fax: (507) 3170600

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