Meeting of the Inter-Agency
Task Force for Disaster Reduction
Geneva, 10-11 October 2000
Major functions
of the IATF:
The Secretary
Generals report on the Successor Arrangements for the International
Decade for Natural Disaster (A/54/497), identified the major functions
of the Inter-Agency Task Force as follows:
- To serve
as the main forum within the United Nations system for devising
strategies and policies for the reduction of natural hazards;
- To identify
gaps in disaster reduction policies and programmes and recommend
remedial action;
- To ensure
complementarity of action by agencies involved in disaster reduction;
- To provide
policy guidance to the secretariat; and,
- To convene
ad hoc meetings of experts on issues related to disaster reduction.
The Second Meeting
of the Inter-Agency Task Force on Disaster Reduction was held in Geneva,
10-11 October, 2000, and chaired by Ms. Carolyn McAskie, Deputy to the
Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs. Mr. Denis Benn, Director
of the ISDR Secretariat a.i., served as Secretary of the meeting.
In her opening remarks,
Ms. McAskie noted that the first meeting of the Task Force, held in April
2000 (see ISDR Informs No. 1), had sent a clear message regarding the
approach it felt should be adopted for the implementation of the Strategy.
Changes had since been made in the ISDR Secretariat, and in the orientation
of its work. She emphasized that there still is a clear need to distinguish
between disaster reduction and disaster response. Disaster reduction,
the work of ISDR, needs to be viewed within the context of sustainable
development. For that reason, even though it reported to the Under-Secretary-General
for Humanitarian Affairs, the ISDR Secretariat is distinct and autonomous,
and must continue to be so. The Task Force is also unique, in that it
represented a rare partnership between United Nations bodies, regional
groupings and civil society organizations all supported by national
The Chair emphasized
that it was the role of the Task Force to contribute to the elaboration
of the global agenda in disaster prevention, while much of that substantive
agenda would be advanced by the Task Force Working Groups. The ISDR Secretariat
would be non-operational, but would have to retain the substantive competencies
required to carry out the functions assigned to it by ECOSOC, the General
Assembly and the Task Force. She noted that the Secretariat had benefited
from the secondment by WMO of a senior officer, and asked other Task Force
members to consider similar arrangements, so that it could become a truly
Inter-Agency Secretariat, as called for in General Assembly resolution
In his opening remarks,
the Director of the ISDR Secretariat a.i. stated that, in carrying out
its activities, the Secretariat would not duplicate the work of the various
United Nations organizations and agencies, but that it would seek to promote
multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary initiatives in the area of disaster
reduction which would complement the work of the stakeholders in the ISDR
community. He also pledged that the Secretariat would work in close collaboration
with members of the Task Force and other relevant actors in seeking to
promote the objectives of disaster reduction. He referred to the draft
Framework for Action for the Implementation of the International Strategy
for Disaster Reduction, which he saw as a living document,
not for formal adoption, but for progressive elaboration in consultation
with members of the Task Force. Mr. Benn noted that three focus
papers, requested by the Task Force at its first meeting, had been
prepared by the Secretariat. These dealt with the Application of Science
and Technology in Disaster Prevention, Mainstreaming Disaster Reduction
in Sustainable Development and National Planning, as well as Capacity
Building for Disaster Reduction in Developing Countries. He also referred
to two additional papers prepared by the Secretariat, on Policies and
Legislation Trends in Disaster Prevention, and on Awareness Raising and
Public Information.
In introducing the
papers later, Mr. Benn pointed to the increased recognition being given
to the importance of the application of science and technology to disaster
reduction. He also stated that the mainstreaming of disaster reduction
in sustainable development and national planning processes was important
in order to ensure that greater priority was given to the issue. In addition,
he pointed to the critical importance of developing capacity at the individual,
institutional and systemic levels to deal with disaster reduction.
membership of IATF
- Ms. Carolyn
McAskie, Chairperson, Deputy to the Under-Secretary-General for
Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator a.i.
- Mr. Denis
Benn, Secretary, Director a.i., Secretariat for ISDR
- Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO)
- United Nations
Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO)
- International
Telecommunications Union (ITU)
- World Meteorological
Organization (WMO)
- United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP)
- United Nations
Environmental Programme (UNEP)
- World Food
Programme (WFP)
- International
Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)/ World Bank (WB)
- Council
of Europe
- Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center (ADPC)
- Organization
of African Unity (OAU)
- OAS/Inter
American Committee for Natural Disaster Reduction
- South Pacific
Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC)
- CIS Interstate
- Director
General, International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN),
- Director,
Disaster Preparedness Dpt, International Federation of Red Cross
and Red Crescent Societies, (IFRC) Geneva, Switzerland
- Chair, Committee
on Disaster Reduction, International Council for Science (ICSU)
- Director
General, International Civil Defense Organizations (ICDO)
- Drought
Monitoring Centre (DMC), Harare, Zimbabwe
- Munich Reinsurance
Company, Munich, Germany
- Disaster
Prevention Bureau, National Land Agency of Japan, Tokyo
Elaboration of a Framework for Action for the Implementation of the
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction:
The Task Force engaged
in a wide-ranging and constructive exchange of views on a draft Framework
document, as a reflection of the essential elements of the Strategy, and
as a basis for the ongoing elaboration of the Strategy by the Task Force.
It was suggested that;
- disaster resilient
communities and the reduction of social and economic losses would need
to be recast as the over-arching goal of the Strategy,
- the link between
the activities of the Task Force and the Secretariat and the needs of
disaster prone communities would need to be emphasized,
- regional aspects
of disaster reduction and the role of countries and national committees
in advancing the Strategy would need to be highlighted.
While discussing the
Focus papers, there was consensus that the Task Force, the Working Groups
and the Secretariat should seek to identify ways in which existing capacities
in science and technology could be brought downstream to those who needed
them. It was also pointed out that all activities in the field of disaster
reduction should include an element of capacity building, which should
not be treated separately.
It was decided that
the next Task Force meeting should take place by April 2001. Overall,
the positive approach of the Task Force members and their determination
to move forward together to implement the Strategy were noted and appreciated
by all, including many of the observers. As a matter of fact, 57 observers
among country representatives and organizations assisted the meeting,
including many of the countries from the Region of Latin America and the
Caribbean and the Ibero-American Association for Civil Protection.
The Task Force members
were thanked for their constructive suggestions, which, as indicated by
the Chair, represented an important contribution to the on-going process
of refining the Strategy and the process by which it would be implemented.
Moving forward
On substantive
issues, Task Force members discussed the work of the three established
working groups, new and additional areas of concerns, such as wildfire
prevention (a new Working Group to be lead by IUCN was agreed),
legislation and disaster reduction, as well as the need for a more
defined involvement of countries in the work to achieve the goals
of ISDR.
The three Working
Groups established at the first Task Force meeting (on El Niño,
climate change and variability; Early Warning; and Quantification
of risk, vulnerability and impact of disasters) presented progress
reports on their work. The discussion concluded as follows:
Working Group 1
Disaster reduction activities in the field of El Nino, climate change
and variability
The representative
of WMO, as Chair of Working Group 1, presented a review of work
undertaken so far, noting that there was considerable inter-agency
work already underway that had been initiated or supported by the
Working Groups predecessor, the Inter-Agency Task Force on
El Niño. It was noted further that the Inter-agency Committee
on Sustainable Development, the UN Framework Convention on Climate
Change and the Climate Agenda were additional and ongoing contexts
in which Working Group 1 would need to consider its specific contributions
to issues related to climate and disasters.
It was agreed
that the Group would need to identify at an early stage the particular
niche or niches on which it would work, such as to formulate plans
on ways that information already existing in the scientific and
technical community could be made more readily available and useable
for national governments and vulnerable communities.
Working Group 2
The representative
of UNEP, as Chair of Working Group 2, presented a review of the
efforts to establish the Group, which had not yet met.
The Task Force
affirmed the need for Working Group 2 to develop a relatively narrow
and useable definition of early warning; to make an
inventory of early warning activities already undertaken in the
United Nations system and, if possible, beyond the United Nations
system; and to assess these activities with a view to identifying
gaps that need to be filled by further work within the United Nations
system and beyond it. There was agreement that the Working Group
would also need to identify ways to make early warning tools useful
to disaster-prone communities in developing countries.
Working Group 3
Quantification of risk, vulnerability and impact of disasters:
The representative
of UNDP, as Chair of Working Group 3, presented a review of the
work of the Group, which had undertaken preparatory work and had
embarked on a substantive programme.
It was affirmed
that the focus of Working Group 3 should be on the social aspects
of quantifying disaster risk, vulnerability and impact, as the World
Bank was already engaged in efforts to quantify the economic aspects
of these issues. It was suggested that, at the beginning, the Group
should concentrate its efforts on major cities at risk, in particular
on a number of hot spots.
The possibility
of developing a World Disaster Vulnerability Report
within the context of Working Group 3 was received positively.
For more information,
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