organizes disaster impact assessment workshop in El Salvador
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
(ECLAC) organized a workshop in El Salvador on its methodology for assessing
the socioeconomic and environmental impact of disasters.
The workshop was co-sponsored by the General Secretariat of the Central
American Integration System (SICA) with the support of the Pan American
Health Organization (PAHO), the Nutrition Institute of Central America
and Panama (INCAP) and the Secretariat of the Central American Agricultural
and Livestock Council (SCAC/CORECA-IICA). The Italian overseas aid agency
provided the funding for the event, which attracted over 50 representatives
of central and local governments and civil society organizations from
throughout the Isthmus.
Participants received
an updated copy of ECLACs handbook for disaster impact assessment
(LC/MEX/L.519) as well as a compilation of recent research papers on the
subject. Two case studies were developed, one on water and sanitation
and the other on agriculture and the Central American drought of 2001,
so that students could carry out practical assessment exercises. A new
module on disaster reduction projects was especially well received, as
was the introduction of risk management into the general project cycle.
Certificates of participation
were distributed at the closing ceremony, which was attended by the Secretary
General of SICA, the Resident Coordinator of the UN System in El Salvador,
the Italian Ambassador, and the Secretary General and Board of Directors
of the Central American Coordination Center for Natural Disaster Prevention
For more information
please contact
Ricardo Zapata
ECLAC Mexico