World Summit on Sustainable Development Outcome of WSSD, September 2002
The World Summit on
Sustainable Development (WSSD) took place from 26 August to 4 September
2002 in Johannesburg, South Africa. It brought together one hundred world
leaders, over 10000 delegates, some 8000 representatives from NGOs and
civil society, as well as 4000 members of the press.
While the results
in some areas, like the commitments on renewable energy, were disappointing
for many, the outcome of the WSSD certainly brought more commitment to
disaster reduction and a multi-hazard approach to reduce risk and vulnerability,
within the context of sustainable development. The main outcome:
- The political
statement adopted by the Heads of States which identifies natural disasters
as one of the priority conditions that pose a severe threat to sustainable
development and need priority attention.
- The Plan of Implementation
(PoI), which relates to disaster and vulnerability reduction and improved
early warning capacities under the chapters of poverty eradication,
protecting and managing the natural resource base of economic and social
development, Africa, small island developing States and means of implementation.
- A set of initiatives
and partnerships (Type 2 outcome), which support the implementation
of the areas committed to in the PoI that were launched during the WSSD.
The following partnerships, grouped under the cluster Early warning/disaster
preparedness, are of immediate interest to the work of the Inter-Agency
Task Force on Disaster Reduction, and those where the ISDR Secretariat
is contributing in an advisory capacity:
- Integrating
early warning and disaster risk management into the sustainable
development agenda and practice (presented by ISDR);
- Subregional
Initiative for the Promotion and Implementation of the International
Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) -Central America (presented
by El Salvador);
- ·Initiative
to Develop Capacities in SIDS to manage Vulnerability and Build
resilience Particularly to Disasters (presented by UNDP and SOPAC);
- Integrated
Approach to Prevention, Preparedness for and Response to Environmental
Emergencies (presented by OCHA, UNEP);
- Resilient
Communities (presented by ICLEI);
- Human Resource
Development in Disaster Management (Southern Africa) presented by
Germany and Mozambique).
(Full text of all
these outcome documents are available at www.johannesburgsummit.org):
Water, Energy, Health, Agriculture and Bidoversity were the five key thematic
areas (known as WEHAB) proposed by the UN Secretary-General,
Mr Kofi Annan, as a contribution to the preparation for WSSD. The initiative
seeks to provide focus and impetus to action in these five areas which
are integral to a coherent international approach for the implementation
of sustainable development. Five thematic papers were produced by the
WEHAB Working Group, in consultation with concerned organizations of the
UN System, to suggest a framework for action and targets in each area.
Due to its limited capacity, the ISDR Secretariat was only able to contribute
substantially to the Water and Sanitation paper within the
WEHAB context. However, risk reduction needs to be promoted in the other
subject areas as well.
The challenge is now
the follow-up for implementation, involving both the UN System and non-UN
entities. The Inter-Agency Task Force on Disaster Reduction will discuss
the ways forward and a plan to support the implementation in the area
of disaster reduction, within the framework of ISDR, in its Sixth meeting
in October.
For more info,
Ms. Helena Molin Valdés at molinvaldes@un.org,
or visit www.unisdr.org,