News from ISDR Secretariat
Reduction and Climate Change
the first meeting the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technical Advice
(SBSTA) during the ninth session of the Conference of the Parties(COP-9)
in Milan, Italy, UN/ISDR made a statement concerning the linkages between
the disaster risk reduction and climate change agendas. To download the
statement, please refer to
For further information on
COP-9, please refer to
Inter-Agency Task Force on Disaster Reduction
Meeting of the Inter-Agency Task Force on Disaster Reduction The 8th meeting
of the Inter-Agency Task Force on Disaster Reduction (IATF/DR) was held
5-6 November 2003 in Geneva, Switzerland. Key recommendations of the meeting
included development of more national platforms for disaster reduction;
strengthened regional cooperation in Africa; and advancement of preparations
for the Second World Conference on Disaster Reduction to be held in Kobe-Hyogo
in January 2005.All documentation related to the meeting are available