Transferring knowledge in the Caribbean: Systematizing experiences and good practices in disaster preparedness, local risk management and climate change adaptation
For several years now, the Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery (BCPR) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) have been advancing the creation and consolidation of a Trans-cultural Network in the Caribbean region to promote exchanges and cooperation. In addition, the network links different linguistic communities (English-, French- and Spanish-speaking) and two thematic trends, namely risk management and adaptation to climate change.
An inventory of experiences and projects related to local risk management, disaster preparedness and adaptation to climate change is currently under development. Thus far, a total of 107 experiences have been registered in different Caribbean countries. The inventory is the outcome of a participatory process of consultations and exchanges aimed at identifying, through representative experiences, advances in local risk management and, in particular, in disaster preparedness in the region.
Early Warning Systems: Systematization of 18 case studies in average, with “best practices” and lessons learned in the region regarding forecasts and warnings, risk characterization, disaster preparedness, communication and dissemination. Post-disaster reconstruction and recovery processes, experiences incorporating risk management into the housing sector, disaster management systems, and so forth, have also been compiled and systematized.
Video: “EL CARIBE: en la Ruta de los Huracanes”
(“The Caribbean: In the Path of Hurricanes) shows the differences and similarities among countries of the region, as well as their risk-related issues and the capacity developed by the population and authorities to reduce such risks or minimize losses that could be caused by disasters.
Another effort that will complement these products is the further development of an Inventory of Disasters that have taken place over the last 30 years in five Caribbean countries. The inventory will be prepared using the DesInventar software produced by LA RED, and it will be a useful tool for local planners and managers since it combines databases, geo-referenced data and local statistical graphics. In addition, inventories of adaptation needs in four countries of the region, as well as drought adaptation measures for the Dominican Republic and Cuba haven been promoted, in addition to papers drafted by international experts in integrated risk management and adaptation to climate change.
For further information, please contact Angeles Arenas
(, Regional Disaster Reduction Advisor UNDP/BCPR-LAC, or Linda Zilbert
Project Coordinator
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