On Thursday October 13th, The UNISDR Regional Office of The Americas is hosting a night of Jazz at The Plaza of The City of Knowledge while also inagurating the photo exhibition of the Call for Good Practices by DIPECHO in order to celebrate the International Day for Disaster Reduction (DIRD) This event will be held in conjunction with the The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).
The Sendai Framework has targets focused on increasing national and local disaster risk reduction strategies by 2020, enhanced international cooperation to developing countries and increased availability of multi-hazard early warning systems.
In addition to the activities and initiatives taking place in each country, it is suggested to organize a Ciclovía or bike ride on Sunday 16 October, in coordination with the relevant authorities. The Ciclovía will aim to promote disaster risk reduction and the reduction of greenhouse gases through coexisting in the streets, with non-motorized vehicles.
More information for organizers of Ciclovías for Resiliencia
Arts/ design for Shirts of Ciclovia for Resilience in your City/Country
As an online proposal, a social media public awareness campaign will be organized focusing on prospective themes of disaster risk reduction (DRR) that have caused the highest rate of mortality in the región. On line quizzes will be published to strengthen DRR knowledge and créate awareness about disaster preparedness and prevention. Lastly, experiences about disaster risk reduction will be shared with the hashtag #LiveToTell
To obtain more information regarding the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction please address the communications team of UNISDR jaime@un.org
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