Estrategia Internacional para la Reducción de Desastres
América Latina y el Caribe  

Revista EIRD Informa - América Latina y el Caribe
Número:13 -2006 -12/2006 - 11-/2005 - 10/2005 - 9/2004 - 8/2003 - 7/2003 - 6/2002 - 5/2002 - 4/2001- 3/2001 - 2/2000 - 1/2000

Socios en Acción



Regional Specialization Couse
on Human Settlements
City and Land Management

In the context of the technical training agreements between the UNCHS (Habitat) Program and the Regional Action Plan on Human Settlements for Latin America and the Caribbean, the School of Architecture and Urban Development of the University of Chile, together with the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Corporation for University Promotion (CUP), and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning of Chile, will develop the third Regional Specialization Course on Human Settlements. This course is sponsored by the Ministers and Authorities of Housing and Urban Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (MINURVI), with the support of the World Bank Institute, the Swedish International Development Authority (ASDI), and the Latin American and Caribbean Institute of Social and Economic Planning (ILPES). The course is intended for university professionals of Latin American and the Caribbean, particularly for those working in public institutions at national and local levels.

Goals and stages of this course

The general goal of this course is to provide and improve updated knowledge and abilities in order to promote and manage sustainable development of human settlements. It is expected that students will be trained to lead or establish teams for promoting, preparing and overseeing the design of land and urban development plans, combined with social, economic and environmental perspectives. This is the third version of the course, which aims to analize in depth policies and programs for poverty alleviation, as well as foster equity in Latin American and Caribbean cities.

The syllabus includes three different stages: i) preliminary phase (which will take place in countries where students live); ii) attendance (at ECLAC’s headquarters); and, iii) final stage (once again, to be held in students´ countries of residence.) Interested parties must devote enough time and have the equipment required to develop all learning activities included in both the preliminary and final stages in their countries of residence. They must also be able to take lessons during the attendance phase at ECLAC´s headquarters located in Santiago, Chile. This stage is 3 to 5-week long.

Contents of the initial stage

Activities of the attendance phase include theoretical courses, seminars, field trips, workshops and a written exam regarding all these subjects. More than forty professors are in charge of developing the following subjects:

First block of courses: Urban development, land and city from a social perspective. The process of urban development in Latin America and the Caribbean; regional economic evolution and land; urban poverty; income distribution and cities; poverty and housing precariousness; current social approaches on housing; urban and community segregation; and public spaces, social inclusion and citizens´ safety.

Second block of courses: Land and city from an economic perspective. Economic dimension within settlement planning: urban planning tools, development of both competitiveness and equity; management of local productive development; rural areas from a competitiveness viewpoint; management of public services; urban financing; and housing financing.

Third block of courses: Land and city from an environmental and urban sustainable development perspective. Environmental issues in land and city planning and management: environmental institutionalization at national and local levels; environmental vulnerability, natural disasters and urban poverty; environmental risk management; property development and the environment; and management for achieving urban sustainable development.


In order to complete this course, students will develop in their countries of residence and under supervision, proposals for actions and tools that promote the integral development of human settlements. This represents the last academic activity of this course and allows participants to apply their knowledge (acquired in previous stages) to the reality of their own professional fields, and develop a proactive attitude in terms of urban, land and housing management.


The total cost of this course is US$ 1,300. There is a limited number of academic scholarships. However, all travel and lodging-related expenses during the attendance phase in Santiago will be covered by students and/or institutions responsible for sending them to take the course. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Development of Chile will make available some accommodations at reduced rates.

For more information contact:
Coordinación Académica
Prof. Joan Mac Donald

