
  Gloria Eugenia Bratschi

Advocate of the Making Cities Resilient campaign.

Professional Profile

She is a postgraduate “Prevention Specialist in Integrated Planning and Management of Disaster Prone Areas”, at the National University of Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina. Degree in Social Communication, serves as undergraduate and graduate teacher and researcher in universities in the region.

Since 1998, she has been a Management Consultant for Disaster Risk Reduction and Organizational Communications at home and abroad. Her publications since 1995 include among others: booklets; manuals; essays; DRR management communication guide; informational resources for communication professionals; adaptation of Riskland for the Municipality of Maipú, Mendoza and numerous articles and notes in the media.

In 1995, she published the book “Communicating Disaster”, and has since been fully dedicated to inherent aspects of Disaster Risk Reduction Management. As a Fellow of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECI), she attended the First Course on Management Training Centers and Programs on Risk Prevention and Emergency Response at the School of Civil Protection of Spain. Participated, as an invited expert, in the World Conference on Disaster Reduction (WCDR), United Nations, held in Kobe, Hyogo, Japan from 18 to 22 January, 2005 (moderator and speaker).

She has lectured and served as a f Facilitator in major events on disaster risk reduction, climate change, communication and other relevant topics, conducted in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Panama, Mexico, Venezuela, Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador, etc. , organized and sponsored by UNISDR-ISDR,        PAHO / WHO, OCHA, OFDALAC, CEPREDENAC, JICA, UNDP, UN-HABITAT, ICDR, IAI, CATHALAC, FLACSO, CRID, A ECID, OAS, UNESCO, FELAFACS and other international organizations and institutions.

She has also attended numerous courses, seminars, workshops and conferences in her area of specialization, at home and abroad. She has given lectures and workshops on the 2005/2015 HFA in the Argentine provinces of Mendoza, San Luis, Cordoba, Buenos Aires, San Juan, Catamarca, Santa Fe, Salta, Neuquen and Santa Cruz. In addition, she works as a human resources consultant and trainer. She is President of the Fundación Junto al Desarrollo, JADE. In October 2010, she received the II Solidarity Journalism Award, in the “graphic” category for her articles published on Disaster Risk Reduction, awarded in Argentina by the Fundación Gota en el Mar.


As a “Specialist in DRR Management” and “Social and Institutional Communication”, I consider it appropriate and useful to join as an advocate of the campaign, because we can add value, implementing planned Communication actions with greater efficiency and impact.

So that decision makers can incorporate into their management the “Ten Essentials”, the design of communication strategies facilitates organization and preparation, in order to ensure adherence to the Campaign.

We must also consider that the campaign is constantly updated and is adaptable to other development concepts, such as the University Cities. These are also the result of an intervention, which has become a natural space in a humanized space.