Technical Support Package for the Caribbean Safe Schools Initiative
With the aim to create synergies and demonstrate which technical support can be provided, partners of the Caribbean Safe School Initiative compiled specific resources and services which can support the implementation of school safety.
These include:
- Comprehensive School Safety Targets and Indicators
- Online Lesson: Introduction to Comprehensive School Safety
- Training Programme on Comprehensive School Safety and Education Sector Policies and Plans - Education Sector Snapshot for CSS and EiE
- Integrating Safety, Resilience and Social Cohesion in Education Sector Planning: Guide for Education Sector Planners and Online Course
- RR&R Policy
- CSS Assessment Suite (CSS First Step; CSS School Self-Assessment Survey; VISUS –CSS)
- Towards Safer School Construction
- Guidance Notes on Safer School Construction
- Participatory School Disaster Management Resources
- Online Lesson: Introduction to Participatory School Disaster Management
- Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction in the School Curricula
- Public Awareness & Public Education – Key Messages
- Safety, Resilience, and Social Cohesion: A Guide for Curriculum Developers
- Education For Sustainable Development Goals: Learning Objectives
- Scope & Sequence for RR&R Curriculum Integration
- Lesson Plans and Informal Activities
Model Safe School Programme (MSSP)
The Model Safe School Programme (MSSP) is designed to assist CDEMA Participating States with implementing processes that result in safer and greener educational facilities. Its Toolkit comprises a policy that can be adopted by governments and Ministries of Education, tools for assessing the level of safety and greenness of schools, a template Emergency/Disaster Plan that can be adapted to a school's specific situation and hazard context, and, finally, a list of tools and guidance documents that can be utilized to create safer and greener institutions.
The Model Safe School Programme (MSSP) and Toolkit for the Caribbean was endorsed by the CDEMA Council in 2015 as the vehicle through which the region would address school safety. School safety exists in a broader context of enhancing local, national and regional resilience through the mainstreaming of DRM in the education sector.
The overall MSSP training objectives are to: (a) familiarise trainees with the context for the MSSP and the assessment tools, (b) train on the utilization of the tool to assess risk in schools, and (c) train on the preparation of assessment reports.
The MSSP assessment consists of the three tools, namely the (a) Questionnaire for the School Safety Compliance Standards, the (b) Building Condition Assessment, and the (c) Green Assessment.
The following countries undertook the Model Safe School Programme Training in 2017:Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, Guyana, Antigua and Barbuda as well as Turks and Caicos Islands.
Interested in applying the MSSP training? Download the package here.