ToolKit 1 million + safe schools and hospitals


How Safe is Your School

To support the Global Programme "How Safe Is Your School", UNISDR is implementing an initiative that will serve as a preliminary evaluation as well as an ongoing monitoring tool to help locate vulnerable schools. This application will allow users to evaluate nearby schools. This evaluation data will be available to UNISDR and its partners to raise awareness of disaster areas and disaster-prone schools.

Evaluation Forms for Safe Hospitals


Formularios para la Evaluación de Hospitales Seguros


These information forms are to be completed by the health facility, preferably by the hospital disaster committee of the facility to be evaluated.

Smart Hospitals Toolkit

A practical guide for hospital administrators, health disaster coordinators, health facilities designers, engineers and maintenance staff to achieve Health Facilities by conserving resources, cutting costs, increasing efficiency in operations and reducing carbon emissions.

Hospital Safety Index

Índice de Seguridad Hospitalaria

(Spanish) The Hospital Safety Index is a fast, reliable and inexpensive evaluation tool to provide an immediate snapshot of ​​the probability that a health facility will continue to function in disaster situations.


Teaching materials

CD: Viaje Virtual por un Hospital Seguro

Este nuevo DVD usa tecnología y recursos de multimedia que hacen que la experiencia de aprendizaje sea más versátil y fácil de usar. El programa combina vídeo, animación duo y tridimensional, imágenes y sonido, e incluye presentaciones y publicaciones técnicas para crear un ambiente de aprendizaje virtual sobre ‘hospitales seguros’.

CD: Virtual Tour through a Safe Hospital

CD: Viaje Virtual por un Hospital Seguro


This new DVD uses multimedia technology and resources that provide a more versatile and user-friendly learning experience. The programme combines video, 2-D and 3-D animation, images and sound, and includes presentations and technical publications to create a virtual learning environment about "safe hospitals".

Technical specifications:

  • This CD may be requested through the CRID or downloaded from this link containing a compressed file (ZIP) weighing 1GB.
  • The download time is approximately 41 hours with a 56Kb connection, or 17 hours with a 128 Kb connection or 1 hour with a 512kb connection.
  • After the download, it must be decompressed. For the Virtual Trip, open the mov.exe file.
  • If you use the Internet Explorer browser, it may show you the message:"To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this webpage from running scripts or ActiveX controls that could access your computer. Click here for options ... " You must select: "Allow blocked content" and then "Yes".
  • The User's Guide may be downloaded at this link in PDF format (780 Kb). You need Adobe Acrobat Reader: (Get it for FREE here).

Radio soap opera: Playing it Safe

Radionovela: Curarse en Salud


This story reveals the difficulties of a large number of communities in the region when hospitals and health centres are affected by disasters that do not allow them to function at full capacity when they are most needed.


Radio soap opera: A Lesson well Learned

Radionovela: Lo que bien se Aprende


This radio soap opera focuses on:

  • The rights of children, specifically their right to an education in Emergency and Disaster Situations

  • That schools should not be used as temporary shelters




Disaster Risk Reduction Education: Good Practices and New Approaches

This text provides a detailed explanation of good practices and approaches for disaster risk prevention.











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International Day for Disaster Reduction #DIRD 2015 Knowledge for Life
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