This space is dedicated to promote the work of the local governments participating in the Global Campaign "Making Cities Resilient: Mi City is Getting Ready". Every month, experiences on how local governments deal with risk management in the Americas will be presented.
By: Oscar Minteguia, Secretario de Desarrollo Social.
SAN MARTIN RESILIENTE. Municipal Disaster Risk Management Policy.
Municipality of San Martín, Argentina.
The Municipality of Gral. San Martín, with a surface of 56km², is one of the seven municipalities that makes up the first crown that surrounds the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, historically the Capital of the Argentine Republic. The Municipality of General San Martín has a population of 414,196 inhabitants, with a density of 7,396 hab / km2. It presents a balanced population pyramid, high population density, an industrial sector with marked hegemony between the different economic productive sectors of the municipality, and an important level of urban consolidation, with contrasts marked by large sectors of popular urbanization on the margin of the Reconquista river.

The municipality is located between two plain basins: the Reconquista River and the Medrano Stream. The total area of the municipality is located for 69.5% and 30.5%, respectively, on each basin.

As of the floods suffered in 2013, the Municipality of San Martín has adopted the Disaster Risk Management Policy as a component of local development and as part of the social policies. Decree 1287/17 updated the Civil Defense Board, expanding the participation of other relevant local actors, institutionalizing the prevention and mitigation of risk and emergency response. The Risk Management Team, composed of representatives of all the Secretariats, has been institutionalized. It meets monthly to articulate the Risk Reduction, Prevention and Mitigation Policies, thus considering Risk Management as a crosscutting axis to all local development policies.
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