This space is dedicated to promote the work of the local governments participating in the Global Campaign "Making Cities Resilient: Mi City is Getting Ready". Every month, experiences on how local governments deal with risk management in the Americas will be presented.

Municipality of the Month June 2015

Indaiatuba (São Paulo), Brazil:
Resilience focused on citizen

By: UNDRR - The Americas.

Source: Renato Sandrini

In 2005, following the effects of a tornado - a rare event in the region - the administration of Indaiatuba / SP / Brazil understands that resilience requires that all actions be aimed at human development, beyond the collective welfare. The actions to decrease socioeconomic differences should be strengthened in the state of normalcy, meeting the infrastructure demands with planning. In addition, it seeks to increase the opportunities for citizen in all areas of their needs; from preparedness to the generation of possibilities in the promoting its condition.

The city has put citizens at the center of its expansion, considering access and mobility of people and products, sustainable human development and not merely a physical-spatial growth.

Indaiatuba is a city that seeks resilience and the best living conditions for its citizen, who participate fully in its activities as a solid foundation before any adversity and real strength of community reconstruction.

We invite you to learn more about the experience of visiting the city



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