National Council for Risk Management
It is the superior instance in charge of guiding the entire National System headed by the President of the Republic, and in turn, the ministers, the National Planning Department and the Director of the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD).
National Unit for Disaster Risk Management
It is the entity that is in charge of the coordination of the entire National System and which directs the implementation of Risk Management, taking into account the policies and compliance with internal regulations, in addition to the functions established in Decree - Law 4147 of 2011.
National Committee for Risk Knowledge
They are responsible for advising and planning the permanent implementation of the risk awareness process and is headed by the Director of the UNGRD, followed by the directors of the National Planning Department, the National Department of Statistics, the Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute, the Colombian Geology Institute and Mining, the Ideam, the General Maritime Directorate, the Association of Regional Autonomous Corporations, the National Federation of Departments and the Colombian Federation of Municipalities.
National Committee for Risk Reduction
This is the adviser and planner for the implementation of the process of disaster risk reduction. It is integrated by the Director of the UNGRD, who presides over it; and the directors of the National Planning Department, the Colombian Security Council, the Association of Autonomous Corporations, the President of the Colombian Federation of Municipalities, the Federation of Colombian Insurers and the representatives of public and private universities that have management in their programs, risk management and management.
Departmental, District and municipal councils for Risk Management
Are the instances of coordination, advice, planning and monitoring who must ensure the effectiveness and articulation of the processes of Risk Management in the territorial entity that corresponds to each one.
It is noteworthy that the cooperation work of all entities that are part of the system is not done independently, but points to the integrality of the communities and their inhabitants, making them responsible for actions that allow the security of each and every one , for this reason do not forget that you are also responsible for this task.
More information about the National Disaster Risk Management System of Colombia and the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management, see it here: