By: Zulma Bolivar
Alcaldía Metropolitana de Caracas (AMC)
The Metropolitan Government of Caracas is the entity responsible for the coordination and planning of environmental and urban issues for the Metropolitan area of Caracas, which includes the municipalities of Libertador, Chacao, Baruta, Sucre and El Hatillo. Since 2012 the metropolitan government has assumed the strategic urban planning and implements, through the Environmental Management Office, the line of action Caracas environmentally sustainable involving three technical units: Integrated risk management and environmental monitoring; Environmental auditing, and environmental education and dissemination. One of the main roles of this institution is to formulate, update and implement the Environmental Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation Metropolitan Plan (PM-RRAACC). This plan reflects the environmental approach of the Strategic Plan Metropolitan Caracas 2020.
The PM-RRAACC is the instrument guiding the environmental public policies, which have to be implemented, to contribute to reduce environmental risks and local adaptation to climate change. These actions aim to make Caracas a Resilient City, reducing its urban vulnerability.
Caracas counts with the Environmental risk management and climate change adaptation Metropolitan Cabinet. This Cabinet has the mission of involving and committing different municipal, community, academic and private stakeholders, to participate in the identification of measures and actions contributing to reduce vulnerability and environmental hazards management.
Additionally, the municipality of Caracas is working in the approval of the “Ordinance for the Metropolitan Environmental Management, which is being discussed by the Metropolitan Council. This ordinance will constitute the legal framework regulating the administrative intervention of the municipality on all activities that could affect the environmental sustainability and welfare of the citizens. This ordinance directly links the Metropolitan Planning System and the Metropolitan Urban development plan, which is being prepared by the Urban Metropolitan Institute “Taller Caracas”.
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